Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Very, very, very interesting.

People will probably label me with even worse epithets after I mention this, but this essay actually gives me hope.

Most of the content of modern media posits a situation where the populace just rolls over and dies in a whimper, over injected, replaced by immigrants, no longer viable to those in control.

Practically no one seriously presents a case of mass murdering the problem, and this is the first essay where the cold, logical, ferocious drive to simply lets loose and kill is expressed without any bullshit moral pandering.

In a very real sense, this is as natural as it gets.

When any particular group is threatening one's very existence, the most baisic reaction of life is to eliminate the threat, by whatever means.

I actually find this refreshing.

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Thank you. I knew I was going out on a long and unsteady limb when I published the original essay. I still think it needed to be said by at least one law-abiding citizen with no military training. I may not have brawn but my brain is extremely devious and dark. I honestly pity the idiots who show up my door (if it comes to that) because I will relish what I do to them. If I ever made it to the camps alive, there would be a small army of dead and maimed white-suited goons to show for it. The horror and suffering I would put them through would become the stuff of future campfire stories. I'm very creative.

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Certainly, it is going out upon a limb.

You I'm sure are well aware that what passes for virtue in this society is really just a contemptible docility.

The idea that military training makes one deadly is only true for special forces, everyone else has to put their brain, and heart into subservience for abuse. Despite what we are told, no one from the military will ever lead this country into a better place. They never have done so, and they never will.

During the lock downs I refused to wear a mask. I only wore a beat up bandana, and only when I was assaulted. I had, well not friends, but acquaintances call for those who wouldn't wear a mask to be killed. I instructed those who who wouldn't comply to start packing a weapon. That way, if the righteous were feeling like taking their assaults to the level of their threats they could try to live the rest of their lives with their new wounds.

Perhaps they realized I was serious. Perhaps they didn't want a slash across their throat, but once I made that decision no one tried to threaten me again.

I laugh at the stupidity of people who think they still have a functioning society.

Those who chant nursery rhymes and play at their good people values, and embrace everything meant to kill you will die.

I will die as well, but until then I will live.

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"I laugh at the stupidity of people who think they still have a functioning society." Exactly. The average trip to the hospital for a broken toe can easily turn into a North Korea-inspired struggle session and forced vaccination whether you've already gotten the thing or not. My husband's friend was murdered by a hospital in 2021 for aid money. Pretty sure a neighbor was murdered too -- they were both put on vents within days of going to the ER for routine issues.

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Jun 4Liked by Kimberly Steele

So, at what point does one stop supporting institutions that do harm?

Does one ever stop supporting them?

Is this just an anomalous moment, or has everything that existed, politics, religion, economy, worked to bring us here?

If not, why?

Personally, I don't give a fuck anymore, but for someone more identified with the conditions of life, these questions should be asked.

Just my HO.

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We’re human and we are cogs in their machine. We are slaves and serfs whether or not we choose to be slaves and serfs; it’s all a matter of degree. In my own case, I choose not to be interested in their public figures such as celebrities and politicians, I buy used instead of new, I drive an 18 year old car and one day hope to phase out driving altogether, and I work for myself even though this means embracing a lower middle class lifestyle with no health insurance. That’s the best I can do at this point. I’m still a serf marooned on Meatworld. Meatworld sucks.

Everything and nothing is special about this time. Cherish all that you see and you hear, for this moment will soon disappear.

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Jun 4Liked by Kimberly Steele


Such is the nature of a Gnostic experience. It's at this point where I'm usually attacked and told I don't know shit. However, you have just outlined an essential realization that is the foundation as to why after all the genocides, crusades, and dark ages Gnosticism is still here.

Anyhow, I am moved by your pain. I live in poverty myself, not because I want to, or find any nobility in it. There are subbies I would sub to, but I literally can't afford it. I write on ancient devices that barely work. I wish you and yours the best, and yes I do think you are a good writer.

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Yes, absolutely. 'Contemptible docility.' Such subservience is a betrayal of everything prior generations toiled to build up for us & future generations to benefit from. We're throwing that away. By our compliance we're colluding with those who are tearing it all down, we're colluding with their masters, demonic forces. A robust, calmly carried out response is required.

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Just about every mainstream religion -- you know, all those people who claim to believe in God -- complied. One Buddhist center near me made little kids wear masks. Every single Christian church except for maybe two traditional Catholic churches near me went all in on masks and vaccines. If anyone wants to know why their church/religion is coming apart at the seams in 2024, it's because they made deals with various demons from 2020-202? in the name of "safety".

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Excuse me. Your sentiment is worthy. However it Canberra said that Eisenhower, lifelong military officer, did lead America to a better place during his two terms in office.

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I don't see how you could make that statement, Edward.

Ike was a war criminal who got away with it, and developed the interstate system to move military hardware at speed cross country-which it does. He oversaw the development of the military industrial complex, and dumped it into the lap of America while washing his hands of the entire affair, knowing all along that the people lacked any tools or ability to halt its ascendancy.

So, if that's your definition of improvement, you are welcome to it.

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Get a refund on your history lessons.

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It gives me profound refreshing hope as well. The asinine quiescent endless empathy & sympatico bullshit is an insult to one's soul! Compassion is NOT always the answer.

So yes, wave after wave of in your face brutal mass murder would be a healthy response! to this horror of soulless compliance. Why not? Our lives have been destroyed, family members made sick & murdered, our presence at their bedsides denied (just to max out Satan's joy, our livelihood strangled by regulations deliberately, our children whispered to by trans Beelzebubs, & on & on. Our scripted compliant assent thus far is maybe the worst horror of all.

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I was *thisclose* to going gonzo. If they had arrived at my doorstep, well, let's just say I have a basement with a plastic sink. I did start a positive resistance movement in 2021. My group Speakeasy Illinois, which is still together, helped people get exemptions, doctors/dentists who weren't pushing the quaxx, midwives, schools and tutoring centers, churches, restaurants, theaters, hairstylists and barbers, grocery stores, and just about any type of store or product for sale where masks or quaxx cards were not a thing. I am 98% a goody two-shoes who wouldn't even besmirch a vaxx fetishist to their face most of the time unless they provoked me into it, which several did. My strategy was to find their quaxx-free/maskless competitor and write glowing reviews with a brief mention of boycotting the compliant store or service. I had my Speakeasy members do the same. It worked extremely well. I believe my group was a large part of the reason Illinois wasn't as draconian as New York or California (our libtard sister states) during the Plandemic. My next project is to start Speakeasy Swaps where my group members network and trade services and goods without the use of money.

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Putting in place a limited but functional barter economy would be hit by the powers-that-be like a ton of bricks. Or (viz. Catherine Austin Fitts) trying to pass an exemption law allowing tiny family dairy farms to sell their milk during a pandemic, but not across state lines, so there's no potential large-scale transmission, that too would be hit like a ton of bricks. B/c the regime's whole purpose in any pandemic is to further centralization & NOT help small local economies.

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Yeah, very true. Basically I have to severely limit the projects into which I put my energy and anything that gets the government and the Karens excited must be scrapped, at least for now.

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

this comment brought me here :)

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Larken Rose on yt has a video essay about when it is ok to kill the 5-0 that's refreshing. There's an innate desire to back the blue which is logical and somewhat intuitive on our side, but objectively speaking they are on their side irregardless of their political bent when being told what to do or let their sub 100 IQs and testosterone rage rule. Last year in France the police sided with protesters briefly.

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Jun 2Liked by Kimberly Steele

I got up this morning, looked all over and could not find my copy of "A World Full of Gods". So, I looked at my Substack Inbox instead. I found your essay.

Listen to Steve Earle's Copperhead Road.

Read "In Broad Daylight".

Find the episode of Miami Vice where Willie Nelson plays a Texas Ranger.

Read the Naomi Wolf substack about how she works at her computer with a gun within reach.

Listen to Igor Levit play the third movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 30 Opus 109.

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Thank you, Moser! I have a free JMG/sustainability lending library for anyone in the Continental US: https://kimberlysteele.dreamwidth.org/96400.html

I don't think I have listened to that Beethoven sonata in at least a decade... I will have to remedy that. Definitely going to look up some of your other media as well. I did not know Dr. Wolf has taken to keeping a gun near her person... I'm glad she is protecting herself. She should not have to do that but I am glad she is doing it.

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Jun 8Liked by Kimberly Steele

Play Copperhead Road as loud as you can when they come for you. Play Op. 109 for the cool down.


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Links please 🧐 ...

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

I'll preface this with a statement for my CSIS watcher: this is not an actionable threat. With that said I concur with everything Kimberly has said here. There is a very dark aspect of my psyche that is currently being held in what must be the most well engineered pressure vessel. The relief valve is a safety mechanism that has opened several times over the last few years. Should that relief valve malfunction or the vessel become overwhelmed through the influent valve I will take nothing but great joy in an orgy of violence against my oppressors. I'm fucking daring you pieces of shit to try me at this point. Come and fucking get it from my cold dead hands you stunned cunts!

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“Engineered pressure vessel”… yes, I can easily identify with that.

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Jun 4Liked by Kimberly Steele

-Stunned cunts- 💯

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There are multitudes just itching to unleash justice on the literal demonic genociding Left.

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Unjected is a relationship connecting people website and also is a term I use along with blueblood to describe those I wish to associate with. In my mind it's the antithesis to the Lack of objectivity and desire for truth that showcased these fools in 2020 and I've left those folks behind.

Similar to you in my solitude I construct dialogues that occasionally spill out in real life such as when I was at a funeral and pointed to the idiocy of the mask wearers to someone who was a mask proponent who was suffering consequences of the clot shots, mentioning I've always been skeptical of propaganda and why did they stop being skeptical left them with that blank vaxx face. Revenge and pettiness have their place.

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Thank you... I so agree that revenge and pettiness have their place! I have seen thirty year olds cut down with heart attacks and strokes, reduced to re-learning how to talk or walk because of the quaxx. I have also had multiple neighbors, friends, and relatives slain or maimed by it. The quaxx remains the elephant in the room they would like to hide. Nevertheless, I was raised to be a lady and I am not going to throw it in their faces as a form of public humiliation. I will leave their ultimate judgement to the gods.

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This is manna from heaven. I pine to inflict horror upon horror on those who brutalized so many (just following orders!) in recent years. I agree there are battalions of us out here just itching for 99 yards of payback. Big-time. Quietly & surreptitiously so as to maximize the kill count.

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Jun 4Liked by Kimberly Steele

Past life experiences are not past, just parallel timelines…shift baby shift and do what a warriors gotta do……………..

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Ha! I have yet to be able to exercise that kind of control. Yikes, if that's the case, there have been some hideous genocides in parallel timelines... whoops, my bad. It warms the cockles of my dead heart that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci begged for death in the ones where I've gotten to them, because mercy was patently unavailable.

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I don’t feel the violent urge. I feel super ready to make moves. To spring or pivot at a second’s notice. What I do feel is a keen sense of being in a war footing. I’m hyper-vigilant and yet calm. I feel like if powers come for me or my family they won’t find it that easy, but I’m kind of looking forward to my own brand of psychological manipulation deployed in clever and creative ways against those who would attempt to make me their bitch.

I am no one’s bitch.

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I hope to one day to be like that — just not feeling the violent urge and transforming the energy into readiness, which is a great deal more pragmatic. I think the powers that would try to subdue us have a great deal to fear both from people like me and from calmer heads like yours. Most of me hopes they won’t try it but there is that small, diabolical remnant that shouts BRING IT ON AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS.

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I feel you. They hire goons. Goons follow orders. We won’t. They will need A LOT of goons.

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I don’t know what to make of the past lives angle, but this was a great piece of writing.

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Thank you.

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Oh, those idiots running around in white medical suits in Shanghai made my inner Hannibal Lecter boil over with possibilities... someday when I have time to write novels again, I'll definitely put out my own Silence of the Lambs, Plandemic edition.

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Jun 4Liked by Kimberly Steele

“I recently stated in a Substack Note that if the US (where I am located) tries to roll out draconian measures a la 2020-2022 once again, I won’t be playing along. I won’t be wearing a mask, I won’t be avoiding my friends and family, and certainly I won’t be taking any experimental drugs.” I AM a Christian and I wholeheartedly agree with you!

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Thank you!

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Pop off it well will

Spirit of Wotan will rise

Savage Kali freed

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Wow, this was unusually intense for an article. Very honest. What I thought when reading this was, that we can't know whether one hypothetically would end up dying for nothing in such a case. Why it is even possible for people to behave like sheeple is also "because of" game-theory (referring to the Solschenizyn bit) - you just can't coordinate with the others well enough so you hope for the best and then end up in such situations. On the other hand, things are not determined and life and history are full of surprises. acting is always risky, and never completely futile "in principle" (if that makes sense)

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Thank you. One of the advantages of being suicidal as a young person was repeatedly contemplating my own death. I came out unafraid of dying. When I looked at how people in Shanghai, Melbourne, and Toronto were cowed, I made the decision to choose death over that kind of dishonor. Like I said, I won’t resort to violence without being expressly driven to that destination. I won’t act unprovoked, but I also won’t grovel.

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Yup! I know what you mean!

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

Patent# W20 060606

Named Luciferase

Owned by bill gates

Mark of the beast👇


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It could not have been any more obviously Satanic! Any "Christian" who took it and/or wore the Satanic symbol that is the mask should have trusted Jesus instead. It's Christians who took it and closed their churches -- during their God's BIRTHDAY, no less -- who are responsible for the current collapse of the Christian church. The only leg of the church that seems to be thriving is Orthodoxy, which boasts the highest number of unvaxxed and has kept its traditions intact.

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You obviously did not open the link and watch the video. Nothing I said has anything to do with anything in your reply

And as far as orthodox churches being the only ones who stood up, I beg to differ

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Jun 3Liked by Kimberly Steele

You seem pretty normal to me ha ha. Anyway, about past lives in my younger days, I always thought of myself as being the first. Anyway, I think we’re gonna have to go to this couple of times maybe more maybe less until we get it right then we go with the spiritual fathers into a different realm. But don’t get too comfortable for the battle still goes on, what is at the end of that. It’s a different story. We just have to wait and see.

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Thanks! Believe it or not I was atheist fewer than ten years ago. I thought we came from a black void and disappeared into it when we died. And I guess we do in some sense, at least physically, but back then I never thought of the animus behind the meat puppet. The animus is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change form.

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I bet you are a little terror if you get the notion lol. My ex believed in these things. Used to tell me about her past lives. I really liked her. Am confident that she felt the same. However we had one, obviously major hangup. Our political stances did not align.

I was a fucking basket case in 2020/21/22. I had a right to be. Turns out I am not fond of being psyop’d by our thought leaders. Anyone who assisted their reign of terror by not resisting became an enemy by default.

Didn’t know much about your political sense but I have a good idea now. The Trump trials are ever so important. Not so people vote for him but so they lay out the framework to revolution. Without normies like my ex onboard it will be next to impossible for the “doers.” With popular support on our team we can move mountains. For the record I know longer trust Trump but we ain’t exactly swimming in options.

I would tell you that you are a pilgrim in unholy land (Illinois) but I get the feeling you know. That’s where I came from and still have plenty of family there. Like you, they know it too.

Could be a very dangerous place should these thin illusionary veneers that prop up society disappear. You should think about trading in your sword for a gun if you don’t have one already.

How do you know what you were/did in your past lives? Never asked the ex that question but this article reminded me that I really wanted to know.

Here’s a great piece I read this week. It’s exactly what I see. It’s not long. Reality is coming for us all.


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LOL, yes, I am! I am trying not to do that anymore... Politically, I consider myself neutral. I cannot bring myself to care anymore. We crossed the rubicon into banana republic territory a long time ago -- the Trump "trial" was merely the cherry on the putrid urinal cake. You're from Illinois? Strange! Yes, it could get dangerous here but the way I see it, someone has got to stay and hold down the fort. I was born here and the land and I are inseparable at this point. I will defend it and I believe it will defend me.

Most of my past life knowledge has come as a result of the Sphere of Protection and discursive meditation. I have been doing them both daily since 2017.

Read the article -- thanks! I do like how he presents our options as a ternary. There are a lot of signs of change in the air lately that I did not expect to see. The masses are starting to embrace folk and country music. Elite types are finally being called out on pedophilia. The truth is being allowed to leak about the quaxx. And there is a lot more anti-war sentiment than I expected, even from the looney left.

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Jun 4Liked by Kimberly Steele

The fucking putrid urinal cake—wordsmithing.

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Enemies, a love story. Just restoring balance. I even believe God expects a visceral strong response to those who presided over this, & all the Nazi guard-types who just went along. He doesn't want us showing compassion, my God no. It's overturning the moneychangers' tables in the temple time.

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I was so angry at Christians who complied. Churches CLOSED on Christmas and Easter for three years. At least the local traditional Catholic church in Chicago and Aurora had services. Supposedly the Orthodox churches in other states stood firm against it and there were a couple near me who stayed open. My Speakeasy group promoted the tiny handful of anti-quaxx/mask Protestant churches. As you could predict, there were more of them the further away you got from Chicago. Buddhists and Hindus went along too in my area. For shame.

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Jun 8Liked by Kimberly Steele

“I was so angry at Christians who complied.” I was as well. As a Christian, I know the church had a chance to rise up and show the power of God! But we cowered and looked just like the world. So terrible; we have repenting to do for that. I struggled with anger the whole time. The Lord kept reminding me that the anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God and that this was a spiritual battle and we the church should have been fighting with peaceful noncompliance, the word, and prayer. Many churches here in the south did open back up within a month but still frustrating that all of us bowed down even briefly.

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