So very sad, it's too bad, some people believe that how they look is all they have. back in the 1960's and 70's if i recall right, healthy, was the goal, vibrant, vivacious, and fun. A great personality, or a sense of humor, can beat a pretty face- in the long term fight for affection. I concluded then, that "perfection" was only for inanimate objects, living things were always moving, always changing. Fluid. a moment fixed in time could be perfect, but life, does not stop time, so why fight it? Somehow these people decided that was the way to be loved. But, The Aphrodite stage is brief, so, looking for deeper things. Experiences of connection, of bonding that are lasting, not based of how you look, is a longer term plan. I have not found men to be nearly that picky. Generally.

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The 70s had an organic zeitgeist that was devoured by the nihilistic materialism of the 80s. The sad thing about it was that the seeds of nihilism and extreme greed were already there throughout the 70s, and it was the worst of them that were watered and nurtured to maturity.

I notice that men for the most part think they are far more appealing than they actually are and women think of themselves as less appealing than they actually are. When men find out they truly are repulsive to women, some get angry and bitter, hence incels and the manosphere. Most normal men settle for the first semi-decent woman who will take them the second male pattern baldness starts visiting their heads.

Young women (and sadly many older ones these days) truly do not know how to project real confidence, as they are always embroiled in a game of covering their deficiencies with makeup, hairstyles, clothing, etc. Millennials and Gen Z have taken obsession with hair and makeup to new heights, but it does not help that insecure Gen X women like Christina Aguilera and Gwen Stefani have been leading the charge by getting surgery after surgery in a desperate bid to stay "young". These women have very few role models.

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Nihilistic materialism? if t existed it was media driven. and every commercial is aimed at making women deeply and profoundly insecure. on every level. I even fell for it a little, but never all the way. the hand that rocks the cradle truly does rule the world. Mae west is a good study for this kind of trauma. she the same problems as modern women. it was very sad, and i noticed it then. The crone was erased from culture, the mothers was belittled and denied any worth, leaving only the young women to be targeted and exploited. AI will replace her. C.S. lewis has a quote, " the homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only, and that is to support the ultimate career." women are all important. the center of everything human.

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OMG the Enjoli commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_kzJ-f5C9U Ugh it was so cringe. I remember the perfume too -- it smelled terrible. Enjoli lasts 8 hours? That would be 7.999 hours too many. That was the beginning of the media obviously putting women in the financial hot seat. She was expected to do EVERYTHING... bring home the bacon (make the money), fry it (cook), and never let him forget he is a man (somehow have the energy leftover to be a tigress in the bedroom). Watching it makes me want to scream OH JUST LEAVE US ALONE.

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yep, i remember that. a totally unfair expectation.

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Any woman who is responsible and middle or lower middle class lives it every day! I also know quite a few upper middle class Power Moms who honestly do quite a good job of "having it all" but the fatigue for these women is insane. It is not something I would put up with -- personally I would much rather be lower middle class than work myself to the bone like they do, and that's exactly why I am lower middle class!

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homemaking has nothing to do with looks or youth, competency is what is required.

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That is what is so sad about TikTok/Insta trad wives. If they were not young and cute, nobody would pay attention to them.

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i am not a tick tocker, so, i have no idea about this. are they showing cool clever ways to do stuff? are they seeking male approval, do you think? I mean, knowing the bulk of their viewers would explain what market slice they are going for really.

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I don't follow any of them -- I mostly know of them from editorials and commentaries. I think they are seeking female approval more than male approval. They are almost always fundie Christian mothers who cosplay 1950s, idealized homemaker roles and create elaborate, impractical recipes. One famous one hand-rolls and bakes pellets of homemade sugary cereal for her kids instead of just going out and buying it. She also makes chewing gum out of chicle and essential oils. It's bizarre. One is a naive, naturally busty blonde who tries to give younger women advice about how to be feminine and traditional so they can land a good man. She means well.

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awe, well, i wish them well.

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Jul 7Liked by Kimberly Steele

Add to this of letting A.I. win all of the athletic competitions. :)

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They can compete naked like the ancient Greek Olympics!

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Jul 7Liked by Kimberly Steele

Well, if they look to human though...R-Rated Olympics? lol

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